Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Fight of Our Lives

"The Fight of Our Lives" is a good title for a book that outlines what we could be facing on both the spiritual front and the political front in the coming years.  Bennett and Leibsohn do an excellent job of laying out the potential dangers that could impact the future generations of people in America.  Our spiritual world is under attack from several different enemies and eventually, I feel that we are going to see Christianity fall as the doctrine of choice.  (In many cases, it already has.)  However, if I am going to be somewhat critical of this book, I would say that this book seemed "personal" with these gentlemen and not objective.  In most regards, I would have zero issue with that and would actually prefer that over some boring, drab book that simply worded out the issues and the solutions.  However, in this case, I felt that it needed to have a little more objectivity and a little less "pulpit preaching."